Online Guide to Understand the Risk Of Retinal Conditions Caused by Smoking
As we all know that there are a lot of harms of smoking to the human body? People who usually have a habit of smoking undergo an increasing risk of conditions like cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Apart from these conditions, smoking can also increase the risk of vision loss. Smoking can also lead to the risk of retinal conditions and other eye diseases. If these retinal conditions do not get proper treatment then it may result in partial or complete vision loss.
Age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration is a type of eye condition that causes the loss of central vision and people suffering from such eye condition find difficulty to process the fine details. There are two types of age-related macular degeneration with which people can suffer from and which include Wet AMD and Dry AMD. Dry AMD is caused by a deterioration of tissues within the retina, whereas wet AMD is caused by leaky blood vessels beneath the retina. People who use smoking are more likely to develop some form of AMD than non-smokers. People who don’t use smoking but live with smokers also have an increased risk of developing the disease.
Diabetic retinopathy is a potential complication of diabetes and is especially likely among our Plainfield city patients who don’t keep their blood sugar under control. People who are suffering from diabetic retinopathy can undergo damage to blood vessels within the retina causing them to breakdown, leak, or become blocked. Diabetic retinopathy can cause flashes or floaters within the field of vision, general blurriness, and eventually total blindness. Smoking increases the risk of diabetes and also makes it more difficult to control blood sugar levels both of which make diabetic retinopathy a concern.
Glaucoma is not referred to as a retinal condition but this disease does cause damage to the optic nerves that deliver signals between the brain and retina. As nerve damage becomes more extensive, vision loss will become more severe. Glaucoma has been linked to high blood pressure which is another risk of smoking. Preventing vision loss One of the best ways to prevent the vision loss associated with retinal conditions liked to smoking is to say good bye to this bad habit. We understand that quitting smoking is more difficult but the rewards are well worth in long run. Other steps our Plainfield city patient can take to maintain healthy eyes and clear eyesight include: Eating nutrient-rich foods, especially those high in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C Keeping cholesterol and blood pressure within healthy ranges Controlling blood sugar level in case of diabetic
Leading an active lifestyle
Scheduling a comprehensive eye exam once a year At the windy city retina center, Dr. Ankit Desai and his experienced team of doctors offer comprehensive eye care services including treatment for the most common retinal conditions. To get to know about how these services can assist you to maintain healthy eyes and clear vision, just give a phone call 📞 (815)714–9115 to schedule an appointment.
Originally published at on September 28, 2020.